Coordination Headquarters for addressing issues in a centralized manner in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories convenes meeting dealing with results of its three-year activity


Chaired by the Head of the Presidential Administration and the head of the Coordination Headquarters for addressing issues in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories in a centralized manner Samir Nuriyev, a meeting dealing with the results of the three-year activity of the Headquarters has been held in Baku.


Opening the meeting, head of Headquarters Samir Nuriyev pointed out that with liberation of Azerbaijani lands from occupation in November 2020 as a result of the purposeful, consistent and wise policy of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the country and the region entirely, have ushered in a new stage of strategic development.


Speaking about the local anti-terrorist measures carried out in September 2023, Nuriyev noted that the units of the Armenian armed forces in Karabakh were disarmed, their military infrastructure was neutralized, and the constitutional order and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan were fully restored in all the liberated territories. The head of Headquarters underscored that today the people of Azerbaijan are going through the most glorious and proud period of their history.


According to Samir Nuriyev, during the past three-year activity of the Headquarters, the large-scale restoration and construction projects have been implemented in the de-occupied territories based on the tasks given by the head of state, with building of new towns and villages proceeding rapidly. He underlined that the efficiency, accountability, inter-agency communication, coordination and efficiency were the main principles of the Headquarters' activity in the implementation of the tasks put forward.


Furthermore, in accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the event participants heard reports on the progress achieved to solve the necessary issues in the territories where sovereignty was restored as a result of anti-terrorist measures, as well as the current progress of the works carried out in the territories within the framework of the "First State Program for the Great Return to the de-occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the issues related to ensuring the resettlement of the returning people, their security and employment, and the efficient use of agricultural lands in the liberated areas and the organization of competitive agricultural production.


The meeting also featured a presentation of a report on demining activities in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur economic regions.


The Special representatives of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan provided insight into the current state of works in the respective territories.


In conclusion, the assignments were given to fulfil the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
