Azerbaijan acted in a revolutionary manner in the Karabakh issue, therefore the West has collectively turned against it –



Azerbaijan acted in a revolutionary manner in the Karabakh issue, therefore the West has collectively turned against it –


Countries of the collective West genuinely and without a shadow of a doubt continue to consider themselves the center of the global civilization and deciders of the fate of the world. They have never been able to move away from the 1885 model, when the Europeans in Berlin, with the help of rulers, shamelessly and without any regard for local specifics drew the borders of their future colonies on the map of Africa, which have been preserved on the political map of this continent to this very day. Almost 140 years have passed since then, but the mentality of European elites, which have become accustomed to exploiting the resources and labor of the rest of the world, has not changed.


This opinion has been shared with AZERTAC by Oleg Kuznetsov, a Russian historian of the Caucasus and PhD in History, as he was commenting on the inability of the United States and other Western countries to accept the new realities that have emerged in the South Caucasus after Azerbaijan fully secured its territorial integrity and sovereignty.


According to him, it has become a habit in the West to live at the expense of third world countries. They are genuinely bewildered and indignant when a non-European and non-North American country claims its right to live and develop, realizing its own interests without asking for their permission and, most importantly, without paying them for this right. Therefore, they jointly or collectively refuse to recognize Azerbaijan's actions in Karabakh and their repercussions for this region, because all this doesn’t fit into the world order they are used to.


“Moreover, the collective West sees Azerbaijan as a dangerous example and precedent for itself, when a separate country with a developed national consciousness and socioeconomic potential suddenly begins to pursue an independent and autonomous policy that runs counter to the vital attitudes of the collective West. In my opinion, there have only been a handful of examples in world history when the opinion of the collective West was ignored so abruptly and irrevocably. I can give a few example – Cuba in 1959, Iran in 1979, and perhaps Afghanistan in 2022. I cannot recall any other such explicit examples of refusal to accept the opinion of the West in recent history. Azerbaijan has acted in a revolutionarily manner in the Karabakh issue, therefore the West has collectively turned against it,” Oleg Kuznetsov said.


As for Armenia, the expert noted that it took advantage of the situation and, on the contrary, bowed to the collective West – to France and the United States, demonstrating once again that the country itself is not independent and very much relies on the position and opinion of the global Armenian Diaspora, which sees Armenia's future as a satellite of the collective West. “We should also acknowledge that Armenia with its state and banking system has always played the role of an instrument in the system of business relations between the Armenian Diaspora and the rest of the world, through which “gray” and clearly illegal incomes were legalized. It was enough to deposit “dirty” cash in Armenian banks and they came out completely “clean”. At a time when there are more than five thousand different sanctions, restrictions and limitations against Russia and its citizens, it is more profitable for Armenian business and banks to be as far away from Russia as possible, which is the reason for the drift of the Armenian state towards the collective West. There is not an ounce of geopolitics here – only the business interests of oligarchic groups disguised by a concern for the moral and psychological well-being of Armenian commoners and ordinary people no-one in the West actually cares about. It is more important to have Armenia as a “washing machine” for money laundering, protected by Western military and administrative institutions, than a free and independent state with an independent foreign policy. Therefore, as soon as the Armenian elites decided to change the external master, it was found immediately,” the Russian expert believes.


Speaking in the context of anti-Azerbaijani attacks about the position of UNESCO, which, despite the repeated appeals from Baku has yet to send a fact-finding mission to the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation, claiming that this is allegedly a political issue, Oleg Kuznetsov stressed that any international organization, and UNESCO in this case is no exception, is a collective organization, as it includes all countries of the world, but its leadership is appointed by those who make the largest membership fees, and their opinion prevails. “This is particularly true of France, especially since UNESCO is headquartered in Paris. UNESCO has reflected, reflects and will continue to reflect for some time to come the dominance of the views of European or Anglo-Saxon civilization over the rest of the world, considering the latter to be an educational and cultural periphery of the West existing on the intellectual foundation laid by Europe. It is obvious that this state of affairs is gradually fading away, but transformations will not happen soon. Therefore, I do not see not only a dramatic but also any significant change in the attitudes of international institutions to the Third World countries, many of which are in a state of feudal social relations. As long as there is a balance in the social development of different countries, UNESCO will state and recognize the superiority of some over others (albeit informally). And this will be the very essence and content of its activities, plus the support for globalism in all its forms and manifestations, as it itself is a globalist structure in essence and form,” Oleg Kuznets
