Yashar Aliyev: States that aren’t part of South Caucasus want to turn it into subject of geopolitical conflict


Attempts by some states that are not part of the South Caucasus to turn the region into a subject of geopolitical conflict, including arming Armenia and promoting its hate propaganda, do not serve peace, reconciliation and comprehensive development, Yashar Aliyev, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN, said during his speech at the open debate of the UN Security Council on “Helping to maintain peace through general cooperation”, XQ informs.

He noted that the forces that avoid prosecuting the serious crimes committed by the Armenian armed forces during the occupation of more than 30 years are indifferent to the fate of nearly 4,000 missing Azerbaijanis.

Yashar Aliyev talked about the large-scale projects implemented by Azerbaijan, continuing its efforts to protect development and peace in the region despite the armed conflict and its destructive effects.
