Vugar Aliyev: Turkic states currently need strong news agencies, and we must combine our efforts in this direction


The media is undergoing transformation, and news agencies around the world have started to build their activities in line with the new challenges. We, as Turkic speaking news agencies, must keep up with these trends,” Chairman of the AZERTAC Board Vugar Aliyev said at the General Assembly of the Alliance of Turkic News Agencies in Istanbul.


Speaking at the panel discussion “New agendas of Agency Journalism in Turkic World”, Vugar Aliyev noted that the 10th summit of the Organization of Turkic States recently held in Kazakhstan outlined directions for the development of cooperation among Turkic states.


“Our countries have been going through the brightest pages of their cooperation in recent years, and this is only a beginning. The East-West international route, the Silk Road gas and oil transit projects, which are ranked among the world's largest economic projects, pass through the territory of our countries, and recent geostrategic changes have further enhanced the importance of our region. The policy of our countries is built around the well-being of our people, peace and tranquility. And we can see that our countries are confidently moving forward along this path,” he said.


Saying the business of information as a strategic sector is one of the most important components in the development of Turkic states, Aliyev pointed out that the news agencies will continue to responsibly carry out our duties for the comprehensive coverage of this cooperation.


“Turkic states currently need strong news agencies, and we must combine our efforts in this direction. Because development is also fraught with risks. Of course, our states do take into account the security aspects in the field of information. We must have the resources to fight fakes and disinformation. No one can guarantee that we will not encounter these dangers. As our states grow stronger, so may these threats. Therefore, we should strive to communicate our voice and circulate objective news about our countries even more widely. The goal of our organization is to support each other, provide a collective response to the new challenges, learn together and share our experiences. I believe that this Alliance will make a tangible contribution to the first-hand, accurate and impartial delivery of news about Turkic countries to the rest of the world by making extensive use of the possibilities of modern technologies,” the chairman of AZERTAC Board added.


The summit continued with a panel meeting “Vision for future of Turkic world: new cooperation areas”.
