Armenian-planted-landmines continue to kill and maim Azerbaijanis - MFA-landmines continue to kill and maim Azerbaijanis - MFA


Armenian-planted-landmines continue to kill and maim Azerbaijanis, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry wrote on its X page, XQ reports.

"As a result of landmine explosion in Tartar a leg of one 24 years old civilian was amputated. Since the end of the conflict 336 Azerbaijanis became victims. Urgent measures should be taken to eradicate this threat," the publication says.

On November 3, at about 01:00 (GMT+4), Ali Agalarov, a resident of the Borsunlu village, Tartar district, has stepped on an anti-personnel mine.

Agalarov received a leg injury. He was immediately taken to the hospital.
