Azerbaijan filed lawsuit to ICJ based on thousand pages of evidence of Armenian crimes - deputy minister


One of the main slogans of opposition demonstrations in Armenia in April 2022 was "Armenia without Turks", Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Mammadov said at a presentation of the report on hate crimes and incitement to hatred against Azerbaijanis, XQ reports.

Mammadov noted that evidence and facts related to these incidents were collected and presented to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as supplementary complaints.

"On January 23, this year, the Azerbaijani side issued a statement and presented its primary lawsuit to the International Court, based on thousands of pages of evidence, concerning Armenia's nearly 30-year illegal military occupation of Azerbaijan's internationally recognized sovereign territories. This occupation included the deportation of ethnic Azerbaijanis from their historical territories, genocide, and other crimes against humanity," he said.

"Taking into account the nature of the consideration of inter-state complaints in international courts, this lawsuit will be reviewed in the coming years," Mammadov went on to clarify. "These murders against the Azerbaijani people are founded in ethnic hatred and the radical nationalist ideological line of "Tsekhakronism," which has been actively disseminated in Armenia for decades. This is clearly addressed in our inter-state litigation," the deputy FM added.

He emphasized that Armenia's ideology is in complete contradiction to the approach of the Azerbaijani government, which promotes equal rights for ethnic Armenians, coexistence of the two peoples, and consistently calls for peace.
