Western Azerbaijan Community condemns articles in Western media saying allegedly Azerbaijan will attack Armenia


The Western Azerbaijan Community strongly condemns irresponsible and provocative articles published recently in a number of Western media that allegedly Azerbaijan will attack Armenia, XQ reports citing the Community.

The community noted that cheap sensation under the name of free media, freedom of speech, gossip, slandering, and fulfilling the orders of biased political circles completely contradicts the principles of professionalism and honesty of journalists: We believe that such kinds of articles, firstly, serve to prepare an excuse for the arming of Armenia by France and for official Paris to interfere with the South Caucasus region.

In this regard, we reject the shameless statements made by the Chair of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee (German Parliament), Michael Roth, who has a frivolous politician image, in Yerevan in recent days."

"We urge Michael Roth to look carefully into the history of his own country, which accuses Azerbaijan of "aggression" and "violation of international law".

It looks like, Michael Roth is Armenia’s new foothold after European Parliament, Luis Ocampo, and Yuriy Kim. Racist, Islamophobic-minded, Azerbaijanophobes like Michael Roth should stay away from the South Caucasus region as much as possible," the Community said.
