Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs appealed to Armenian residents of Karabakh


It is well-known to the Prime Minister of Pashinyan that the current departure of Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan is their personal and individual decision, and it has nothing to do with forced relocation. If some segments of Armenian residents do not want to live and obey Azerbaijan’s legislation and rule, we cannot force them to do so. On the contrary, we call on Armenians not to leave their places of residence and be part of multiethnic Azerbaijan,” said Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as it responded to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia.


The ministry added: “In order to establish peace and security in the region Armenia must stop the obstacles vis-à-vis the reintegration process of local Armenians, and focus on the successful conclusion of the negotiation process on the peace treaty based on territorial integrity and sovereignty of both countries.”
