Turkish general: Azerbaijan has long been a state that does not play by the rules of others, but dictates the rules of the game itself


"Armenia now does not represent a normal state entity in the usual sense of the word. Nikol Pashinyan does not fully control the military-political, social and psychological situation in his country. In the new situation, everyone in Armenia acts at their whim, guided solely by their own interests, depending on who and how much money and support they have got from whom. It is in this context that we should view the demarche of Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, who left the meeting room during the speech of Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov at the UN Security Council," former Turkish military attaché in Azerbaijan, General Yucel Karauz told AZERTAC.


On the other hand, Karauz said, this shows again Armenia's inability to come to terms with the situation, with the developments carried out by Azerbaijan in less than 24 hours, with Azerbaijan's victory and the new status quo; the inability to accept the fact that on the eve of its Independence Day they (the Armenian side - ed.) were forced to wave the white flag and, accepting all the conditions of Azerbaijan, agree to the meeting in Yevlakh. “All these factors to some extent predetermine the subsequent events: we will again witness illogical, inconsistent and unexplainable actions, when the mind is in favor of peace, but the body does not get along with it. Violations of the ceasefire, attempts to prolong the state of uncertainty, to continue their tactics to bide time are not ruled out. But everything is in vain: Azerbaijan’s 24-hour local anti-terrorist measure, the neutralization of terrorists and their equipment have driven the Armenian side into a deadlock,” the expert said.


According to him, another victory of Azerbaijan confirmed the undeniable fact of leadership of this country in the South Caucasus both in military-political and socioeconomic terms and turned the republic into a regional center of power. “We will soon see the manifestation of this in the processes taking place not only in the South Caucasus region, but also in Central Asia, and this will be achieved in close cooperation with Türkiye and the entire Turkic world. Azerbaijan has long turned into a state that does not play by the rules of others, but dictates the rules of the game and changes the balance of power itself. This is confirmed by the republic's powerful army, strong statehood, strong political power, restoration of territorial integrity, regained sovereignty over its entire geography, and support of the people. At the same time, we see that Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Russia have turned into forces that determine the course of regional events. They can be joined by Armenia, which has come to terms with reality, and Iran if it comes to its senses and also accepts the situation, respects Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, cooperates constructively and contributes to regional interaction. Otherwise, it is inevitable that the IRI will increasingly immerse itself in solving its internal political problems and issues related to its own territorial integrity,” Karauz mentioned.
