Today marks four years since Armenian terrorist attack in Azerbaijan's Barda


Four years have passed since Azerbaijan's Barda city was subjected to another missile attack by the Armenian Armed Forces during the Second Karabakh War, Report informs.

On October 28, 2020, the enemy's armed forces fired Smerch rockets at densely populated residential areas, civilian and commercial facilities, including areas with private and multi-apartment residential buildings.

As a result of Armenia's strikes using internationally prohibited cluster bombs, 20 civilians and 1 employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were killed, and nearly 70 people were injured.

Several civilian facilities were destroyed, vehicles were rendered unusable, and residents suffered substantial damage.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan initiated a criminal case under Articles 120.2.1 (intentional murder by a criminal organization), 120.2.4 (intentional murder with special cruelty or using generally dangerous methods), 120.2.12 (intentional murder motivated by national, racial, religious hatred or enmity), 100.2 (conducting aggressive war) and other articles of the Criminal Code.

Barda district and city center were subjected to rocket and heavy artillery attacks by Armenian Armed Forces three times (October 5, 27, and 28) during the Second Karabakh War. As a result, 29 people were killed, 112 were injured, and substantial damage was caused to civilian infrastructure and vehicles in the district.

During the Second Karabakh War, Armenia's military aggression resulted in the death of 93 civilians, including 12 children and 27 women, while 454 civilians were injured. Additionally, 12,292 residential and non-residential areas, 288 vehicles were damaged, and 1,018 farming enterprises were affected.

Blood memory