IRS-Heritage magazine publishes article exposing Armenian lies


An article headlined "Geopolitical project of “Armenia” launched 200 years ago: from Israel Ori's map to the tragic death of A.S. Griboyedov" by Shamil Azizov, head of department of the Institute of Geography named after academician Hasan Aliyev of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Science and Education, has been published on 123 and 124 editions of the international “IRS Heritage” magazine.


The article highlights the attempts of Armenians to establish a state through the lies and deceit for centuries. The article drew the readers’ attention to the fact that "Armenologists" write "the history of the Armenian people" but not the history of Armenia at all, because the history states that although the ancient Armenian people were existed, the ancient state of Armenia did not exist. Historical events, conflicts and geopolitical factors were conducive for a small migration of Armenians to the Medieval Caucasus, as well as the resettlement of Armenians starting from the time of Peter I and establishment of an Armenian state on the territory of other country.


The author elaborates on the participation and role of the Russian diplomat Alexander Griboyedov in the capture of the city of Yerevan, the preparation of the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the mass resettlement of Armenians to the Western Azerbaijan and the creation of the Armenian state.


In his article, the author reveals the lies, as well as intentions of Armenians to claim the national and cultural values and historical heritage of different nations and their appropriation with solid facts and analysis referring to the official state documents and maps from those years.


