Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan discuss development of cultural


Azerbaijan’s Minister of Culture Adil Karimli has met with a delegation led by Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan Atageldi Shamyradov.


Addressing the meeting, Adil Karimli hailed sincere friendly relations between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, which created an important basis for the development of relations in the field of culture as well as in other fields.


The minister emphasized the importance of organizing mutual cultural days and implementing various projects in terms of further deepening of cooperation in the field of culture.


Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan Atageldi Shamyradov expressed his gratitude to the Azerbaijani side for the hospitality, as well as the high-level organization of events that serve the unity of the Turkic world, mutual recognition and promotion of the cultures.


Noting that there are great opportunities for the development of relations in the field of culture, Shamyradov said Baku and Ganja will host Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in April next year. He also commended the decision to hold the 4th Korkut Ata Turkic World Film Festival in Anev, Turkmenistan.


Minister Adil Karimli hailed the significance of the 1st Turkic World Cultural Forum, to be held in Shusha, in terms of mutual promotion of the ancient historical and cultural heritage of two peoples and its transmission to future generations.


During the meeting, the sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.
