Annual K-pop festival opens in Baku


The annual festival of Korean music - K-pop - has opened in Baku, XQ informs.

The event, organized with the support of the South Korean Embassy in Azerbaijan and the Association of Korean Lovers - HANSAMO, is taking place in the Opera Studio (Baku Music Academy).

At the opening of the festival, Ambassador of South Korea to Azerbaijan Lee Eun Yong made a welcoming speech.

“K-pop plays an important role in strengthening bilateral relations between South Korea and Azerbaijan. There is great interest in Korean films and TV series in Azerbaijan, and I hope that in the near future there will also be interest in Azerbaijani cinema in Korea. I feel great joy because this is the second year that I have been the ambassador of Korea in your country and am participating in this festival. I note that this year the competition was incredibly high: 30 groups, of which only 6 groups and 3 vocalists were able to reach the finals. It took us a very long time to select the finalists, since all the participants were incredibly talented. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the attention paid to this important event in the world of Korean music,” the ambassador said.

At the festival, participants present their vocal and dance performances in the K-pop genre. From nine performances, the judges will choose the best.
