Journalist Hassan Elyousfi: Azerbaijan has the capacity to stand out on international climate map


Journalist Hassan Elyousfi: Azerbaijan has the capacity to stand out on international climate map

The hosting by the Republic of Azerbaijan of the activities of the United Nations Climate Conference attracts great attention from personalities and activities in various fields of interest, especially in the intellectual, political and media fields, in addition to the fields concerned with environmental issues and community life, who expressed their opinions on the importance of the COP29 climate event and that the capital, Baku, will be able to make this event a success and bring progress that will serve the world, especially the countries most vulnerable to climate threats.

In this context, AZERTAC news agency receives Hassan Elyousfi, journalist and specialist in societal and international issues, who granted the following interview to its correspondent in Rabat:

- From 2016 to today, what positive action has the conference brought to the service of climate issues?

Since the holding of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP22) in Morocco in 2016 until today, the world is heading towards the "COP29" conference, which will be held in the Republic of Azerbaijan. These conferences constitute an international platform for discussing sustainable solutions to address climate change, but the question remains: what is the extent of the impact of these conferences in the fight against climate change? What are the hopes of COP29 in light of growing environmental challenges?

Over the years, we have seen some progress, but it is still not enough to address the scale of the environmental disaster that threatens us. Despite the historic Paris Agreement (COP 21), which aimed to limit the rise in global temperature to less than two degrees Celsius, the gap between promises and implementation remains wide. The COP22 in Marrakech attempted to strengthen this agreement by focusing on climate finance and involving developing countries, but its impact on the ground has remained limited due to the reluctance of large countries to fulfill their climate commitments.

On the positive side, these conferences have succeeded in raising global awareness of climate issues and providing platforms for the least financially capable countries to voice their concerns and challenges. It has also encouraged a partial transition to renewable energy sources, but the pace of this transition is still slow.

In short, the world is still far from achieving the climate goals needed to reduce the impact of global warming. Organizing the activities of each conference session certainly requires significant knowledge, know-how and experience, in addition to technical and material capabilities.

In your opinion, as a journalist, to what extent is the Republic of Azerbaijan qualified to make this channel a success and manage its needs, and from what angle do you place the press and media as an essential element that contributes to achieving the desired goals?

COP29 is being held in Azerbaijan at a time when the world needs more commitment and seriousness in combating climate change. It is certain that organizing such a large-scale conference requires technical capabilities and remarkable infrastructure, in addition to financial capacity and administrative experience.

As a media professional, and based on my monitoring, I can say that Azerbaijan has the capabilities that make it qualified to make this event a success. The capital, Baku, has modern infrastructure and strong logistical capacity, which has enabled it to host many major international events. In addition, Azerbaijan can rely on its natural and financial resources to organize a conference that will contribute to putting it on the international climate map.

Azerbaijan also has the capacity to address the biggest challenge it faces by involving the media and press as essential elements in achieving the conference’s goals. It is well aware that journalism is not just a transmitter of events, but rather a vital partner in educating the global and local public about the importance of climate change and its impact on daily life. Azerbaijan’s success in mobilizing local and international media to convey a comprehensive picture of the challenges and solutions presented will undoubtedly increase the chances of COP29’s success. The media can play a pivotal role in holding countries accountable for their commitments and ensuring transparency in climate negotiations.


- What are your expectations and hopes from the “COP29” conference?

In light of this global event, it is hoped that the conference will produce tangible results that will address the challenges the world is facing. First, we expect stronger and clearer commitments from major countries to reduce carbon emissions, as well as a commitment to what has been agreed at previous conferences. Second, efforts must be strengthened to provide adequate financing to developing countries that bear the brunt of the impacts of climate change, with a focus on supporting climate disaster adaptation projects.

Third, renewable energy should be at the centre of discussions and decisions, developing detailed plans for the transition to clean energy. COP29 should push countries to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy.

Furthermore, the conference should focus on the participation of civil society and youth, as they are the group most affected by climate change and most motivated to bring about real change. Their voices must be present in climate policy-making and they must be given the opportunity to participate in the solutions.

The role of transparency and accountability cannot be ignored. There must be strict mechanisms to monitor the implementation of climate commitments and hold accountable countries that fail to deliver on their promises. This is where the role of the media as a watchdog force comes in, to ensure that governments take their environmental commitments seriously.

Finally, while Azerbaijan is preparing with all the necessary capabilities to host “COP29” and ensure the success of the event, hopes also remain in the ability of the international community to effectively address the climate crisis. Azerbaijan has the necessary capabilities to make this event a success, but the biggest question remains: will the world be able to make decisive and bold decisions that save the planet, or will the fear of economic losses be a stumbling block in front of environmental protection programs?

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