Fund for Support to Azerbaijani Diaspora and Hungarian Turan Foundation eye enhancing cooperation


A Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation was inked between the Fund for Support to Azerbaijani Diaspora and Hungarian Turan Foundation.

The document, signed by Ekram Abdullayev, executive director of the Fund for Support to Azerbaijan Diaspora, and Bíró András Zsolt, President of the Hungarian Turan Foundation, envisages cooperation and exchange of experience, preparation and implementation of joint projects between the two institutions.

The memorandum envisions organizing activities to support communities living abroad, implementing improved strategies, creating a public database on various programs and events, and cooperating on organizing international congresses of Turkic peoples.

The Hungarian Turan Foundation is one the institutes that has very close links to Turkic world. The foundation has academicians and researchers who conduct historical and anthropological studies on the Turkic world. It was founded in 2009 to focus on scientific study. The members generally study the Turkic world and seek to answer in more detail how Turkic people used to live, which routes they used while coming West, which tribes used to exist and which are related to one other. Another point that the foundation focuses on is the protection of ancient Turkic customs. The foundation aims to increase the capacity of the country not only in archery, but also in riding horse, traditional handcrafts, making traditional tents and folk music. The foundation cooperates with several universities around the world, is funded by donations and gets support from members of different political parties.

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