Zangilan hosts Cooperation Forum of Azerbaijani NGOs


Co-organized by the Agency for State Support of Non-Governmental Organizations and the Azerbaijan National NGO Forum, the Cooperation Forum of Azerbaijani NGOs was for the first time held in the liberated territories - Eastern Zangezur at the Zangilan Convention Center.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Executive Director of Azerbaijan's Agency for State Support to NGOs Aygun Aliyeva noted that the forum, which brought together about 200 representatives from NGOs was organized within the framework of the "Green World Solidarity Year.”

Vahid Hajiyev, the Special representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan districts highlighted the restoration and reconstruction works carried out in Eastern Zangezur. He commended the holding of an NGO forum in liberated territories for the first time in Zangilan.

The other speakers included Tural Aliyev, the Representative of the NGO Work and Communication Department of the Presidential Administration, Ramil Iskanderli, the Chairman of the board of the Azerbaijan National NGO Forum, Umud Mirzayev, the President of the International Eurasia Press Fund, Sahib Mammadov, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Citizens' Labor Rights Protection League.

The forum will continue tomorrow with panel discussions.

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