Azerbaijan’s Combined Arms Army holds another command-staff exercise


During the units’ withdrawal to the exercise area, their maneuverability capabilities, as well as the skills of commanders in managing headquarters in the prevailing difficult operational situation and the activities of headquarters in providing comprehensive support to units were checked, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.

“At the deployed field and stationary combat control points, planning of operations was initiated and actions corresponding to the process of optimal military decision-making were conducted according to the task received from the higher command.

The second stage of the exercises was traditionally conducted on computers in the Simulation Center in order to ensure the effective application of decisions made by headquarters, commanders’ skills in unit management, and fire support equipment.

During the command-staff exercise, the tasks of the formations, units and subunits involved in practical activities were clarified, as well as the issues of interoperability of special forces units, communications units, tank units, mechanized units, artillery units with combined-arms formations during training combat actions were worked out.

Continuous airspace reconnaissance was carried out by the air defense units’ reconnaissance and target designation stations involved in the exercise. The data was analyzed and transmitted to the command control points and the interacting units.

Combat crews ensured the safety of airspace by destroying an imaginary aerial enemy operating in conditions of intense active and passive interference at various altitudes.

During the exercise, rocket and artillery formations, units and subunits, using data from unmanned aerial vehicles and military reconnaissance equipment, detected and destroyed the imaginary enemy with precise strikes.

The special forces performed various reconnaissance tasks in the depths of the imaginary enemy and in difficult mountainous and wooded areas. Using the fire support of artillery units, the special forces attacked and captured important facilities of the imaginary enemy.

All the set objectives were achieved during the exercise conducted to improve the commanders’ operational decision-making skills, the interoperability between headquarters, as well as their ability to fulfill combat missions in difficult conditions,” the ministry said.

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