Research-based production, R&D activities, as well as supporting of startups are among the activities of the High Technology Park (HTP) of the Ministry of Science and Education,” Bunyamin Seyidov, Head of the Incubation and Technology Transfer Center of High Technologies Park told AZERTAC.
“In order to implement these activities, it is planned to hold trainings for trainers on tech startups in 2024 within the framework of the "HTP operational program: implementation and capacity building" project jointly implemented by HTP and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Policy (STEPI). The curriculum of the training program is based on the innovation training program of the US National Science Foundation. It is mainly intended to transfer Korean experience to local experts in the areas of business model building, customer segment and value proposition. Specialists working in various universities and technology parks of our country will be involved in the training program. Trainings will be organized in Baku and Seoul,” he said.
“HTP also plans to submit a project to the Korean government for 2025-2027 to support the strengthening of university-industry cooperation in Azerbaijan as a continuation of cooperation with Korea. The project is intended to promote innovation through well-developed university-industry-government communication and partnership relations, to accelerate the exchange of information and resources between key innovation ecosystem partners through cooperation, to support the development of innovative potential for industry, and to facilitate the integration of industry into research and development processes,” Bunyamin Seyidov noted.
“In addition, HTP participates in the grant competitions of KOBIA and Azerbaijan Science Foundation, respectively, in the direction of developing intra-company entrepreneurship and cleaning man-made polluted areas through bioremediation.
Support for young start-ups and development of incubation residency is one of the main priorities of HTP. In this direction, process has already been started on creating conditions for several start-ups in the HTP area, involving them in incubation programs and providing support for them to become companies in the future,” he emphasized.