Türkiye to share new software that detects deepfake videos


Türkiye's Communications Directorate said Monday that it will soon share new software to detect deepfake videos both domestically and internationally, according to Anadolu Agency.

Idris Kardas, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, said they are working 24 hours a day in cooperation with all public institutions to prevent disinformation and provide society with accurate information.

“As the Center for Combating Disinformation, we are working on software. Hopefully, it will be ready soon. In a month or so, we will launch an application that detects these ‘deepfake’ videos. We will offer it to Türkiye and other countries around the world,” said Kardas at a conference in central Konya province.

Deepfake videos use synthetic images impersonating individuals which are becoming increasingly convincing due to advancements in data and machine learning.

By using the opportunities of the digital age, they consciously reveal the real information against those who aim to mislead, deceive and direct societies to different channels with manipulative information from time to time, he added.

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