International Turkic Academy has meeting with Uzbekistan's Academy of Sciences


During his visit to Tashkent, Academician Shahin Mustafayev, President of the International Turkic Academy, met with Yuldashev Bekhzod Sadikovich, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The meeting focused on discussions regarding scientific cooperation between the fraternal Turkic states and the preparatory process for the upcoming meeting of the Union of Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World. Academician Bekhzod Yuldashev provided insight into the Academy's activities in priority areas and shared his views on joint projects.

Following the meeting, both sides agreed to fully leverage the potential of scientific cooperation and enhance mutual collaboration. Vice-Presidents of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mirzaev Sirojiddin Zayniyevich and Abdukhalimov Bakhrom Abdurakhimovich, along with the Director of the National Center of Archeology of Uzbekistan, Maksudov Farhod Alizhonovich, were also present at the meeting.

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