Poetry anthology titled 'We Stand with You, Türkiye!' published


A new publication titled “We Stand With You, Türkiye!” by the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation has been issued.


This anthology compiles poems from renowned poets of the Turkic states and the vast Turkic geography, dedicated to the bright memory of the victims of the terrible earthquake that struck Türkiye on February 6, 2023, claiming the lives of more than 50,000 people.


The book features poems by Turkish poets Gülsum Çingiz, Omar Mehmetoglu, and Abdurrahim Küçük; Azerbaijani poets Salim Babullaoglu and Farid Huseyn; Kazakh poets Sayat Kamshiger and Kayirbek Shagir; Kyrgyz poets Mark-Abay Aamatov, Dalmira Tilepbergenova, and Begidjan Akhmetov; Uzbek poets Khurshid Davran and Khasiyat Rustam; Turkmen poets Akmurat Rajabov, Gulshirin Hanova, and Muhammetgurban Orazov; as well as many other poets from the Turkic world.


Interestingly, the poems collected in the anthology are written to photographs that convey the pain and sorrow of the terrible tragedy.


The idea for the book and the foreword were authored by the First President of the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, Gunay Afandiyeva.


In her introductory remarks, Gunay Afandiyeva noted: "We wanted to say, 'We stand with you, Türkiye!' at every step. Thus, the idea of this project was born, and as a result, this anthology of poems was prepared. The edition, consisting of poems by poets from Turkic countries and from the Turkic geography as a whole, is distinguished by its unique concept. Each poem in the book is dedicated to a specific photograph taken during the earthquake. This large collection could be called a 'poetic communion' of the Turkic world. Each poem carries pain and sorrow, but also hope and faith in the future. Most importantly, the poetic samples convey the unshakeable, resilient spirit of the Turk, who has endured the trials of history and nature. I am confident that this unshakeable, resilient spirit will always be with the Turkic world..."


The translation and editing of the publication were undertaken by Selim Babullaoglu, Secretary of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan, with consultative support from Omer Mehmetoglu, Shemseddin Kuzeci, Mai Saparov, Zera Bekirov, and Albina Borisov. The design and layout were done by Javid Kishiev.


Selim Babullaoglu emphasized that the anthology "We Stand With You, Türkiye!" successfully fulfilled its noble mission, being at the same time a serious poetic anthology: "Among the poems are truly serious poetic texts. And the photographs, expressing the pain and grief of the people, also make the book an important document. It was with great satisfaction, yet simultaneously with pain, that I translated these texts. I thank the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, as well as all colleagues who responded to my proposal to write poems with fraternal sensitivity and the professionalism of a poet..."

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