Political scientist: EC led by Ursula von der Leyen ignores interests of EU countries, their citizens


The European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen, completely ignores the interests of EU countries and the people living there, which is why they are increasingly complaining about its policies, Serbian political scientist, research fellow at the Institute for European Studies, Stevan Gajic, told Report.


The countries are led by globalists who adhere to the policies pursued by von der Leyen and the EC as a whole. Thus, in a sense, the people of Europe are “captured.” They are captured by elites who are leading them to disaster, the political scientist noted.


He added that the Russian-Ukrainian war was one of the reasons for the split among European countries.


So, this war has led European countries to complete disaster when it comes to their economy, he said.


The EU is led by people who are deliberately, for ideological reasons, completely irrationally leading countries towards complete disaster. Europe will face more and more of the unrest that is seen today, Gajic noted.


There are growing protests by farmers in Europe against the agricultural policy of the EU.


Following Germany and France, protesting farmers took to the streets in other EU countries. Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini said that he sees the reason for the mass protests of farmers in Europe in the “catastrophic” policy of the European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen.

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