AZERTAC, Saudi Press Agency keen to enhance exchange of information


Chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC) Vugar Aliyev and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Azerbaijan Essam bin Saleh Al-Jutaili have agreed that intensive exchange of news between AZERTAC and Saudi Press (SPA) news agencies would further promote closer relations between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia.


Emphasizing that there are close relations between Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan, AZERTAC Chairman of Board Vugar Aliyev pointed out that this cooperation covers multiple areas.


Highlighting the importance of further development of relations between the two countries, as well as in the field of information, the Chairman of the Board, referring to the cooperation between AZERTAC and the SPA agency, said: "The two agencies have been partnering for almost 10 years, and have made joint efforts in organizing an important global event such as the News Agencies World Congress. Our agencies are currently working together on intensifying exchange of information, and technical challenges in this area should be solved in the near future."


Underlining that AZERTAC is the leading news agency of Azerbaijan, Ambassador Essam bin Saleh Al-Jutaili noted that they are interested in spreading more news about Saudi Arabia here. "Disseminating more information about Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia by the two news agencies will increase awareness about our countries and peoples, as well as enrich people's knowledge about various fields," the ambassador mentioned.


The sides discussed a number of issues related to the spheres of information and media, stressing the importance of mutual visits of media representatives. The parties pointed out that the participation of the heads of the media outlets of Saudi Arabia in the next Shusha Global Media Forum, which will be held next year, would contribute to the expansion of the relations.

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