Biased resolution adopted by the Czech Senate on developments taking place in our region is regrettable" -


It is deplorable that the Senate of the Czech Republic would pass a biased resolution concerning the developments in our region but distorting its reality. We, the Working Group for the Azerbaijan-Czech Inter-Parliamentary Relations, express our categorical protest against this partial resolution,” Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis working group said in a statement.


“Once again, we are witnessing the deception of the international community with false claims of the Armenian Lobby and its patrons. And this happens even though the Working Group supplied our Czech colleagues with ample information about Armenia’s political and military provocations, Azerbaijan’s peace initiatives, the causes, essence and results of the anti-terrorist measures, the undertakings of the Government of Azerbaijan to reintegrate the residents of Garabagh of Armenian origin into the Azerbaijani society as well as the social and humanitarian activities – at our meetings at the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 18-20 October 2023.


It is regrettable that the influence of and pressure from certain European countries, especially the destructive forces in the European Parliament, should lead to such biased steps and documents directed against Azerbaijan, which in itself clearly demonstrates the groundlessness of the claims made in such documents.


The above-said resolution is especially objectionable owing to several points it contains. Distorting the name of the Garabagh Region of Azerbaijan is a move made to harm the territorial integrity of our country. We would remind the Senate of the Czech Republic that specialists of the profile UN divisions have twice visited the region and then confirmed in their reports the absence of any acts of violence against civil population whatsoever. As regards the resolution’s calling for avoiding damage to cultural heritage and historical artefacts, we now declare that all the monuments of religion and culture to be found in Azerbaijan are protected by the state indiscriminately. We, in our turn, call upon the Czech colleagues to take into consideration that Armenia destroyed hundreds of monuments of the Azerbaijanis’ history, culture and religion – both in our lands that were occupied for 30 years and in the territory of Armenia as it is today.


We, the Working Group for the Azerbaijan-Czech Inter-Parliamentary Relations, reiterate our categorical refutation of the aforementioned resolution of the Senate of the Czech Republic,” the statement added.

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