Zhukov: ADB to continue to work on development of Middle Corridor


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will continue to work to improve the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor), Eugene Zhukov, Director General of the ADB Regional Department for Central and Western Asia, said in an interview with Report.

Zhukov noted that ADB began working on the project for this corridor even before the route gained popularity.

"This corridor runs from China to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and further on. So we will continue to work in this area because for this corridor to become economically viable, there is substantial need for infrastructure investments, but also need for policy changes and reforms, to harmonize tariffs and border procedures.

Because if you talk to private sector right now, they will tell you that currently the Middle corridor is three to four times more expensive than other available alternatives. So for this corridor to fully fulfill its potential, there's a need to substantially reduce the costs of doing business there," Zhukov said.
