Rahman Hummatov: 'We intend to maximize potential of Middle Corridor, reliable link in Eurasia'


Today, the Middle Corridor not only serves economic interests in the region but also has gained new momentum, becoming a strategic artery for peace and prosperity, the Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Rahman Hummatov, said at a regional event on the Middle Corridor held in Georgia, Report informs.

"We are grateful for the interest and support of international organizations and the World Bank team in realizing the potential of the Middle Corridor. As noted in the Bank's report, the Middle Corridor is recognized by the world community as not just a short-term solution for temporary connectivity, but as the shortest and most effective link between the economies of the two continents. We have the intention and strong political will to support the development of the corridor, which plays the role of a reliable link in Eurasia, and maximize its potential."

The deputy minister noted that integration plans for the development of international transit corridors, harmonization of border-crossing procedures, synchronization of processes, ensuring the efficiency of maritime operations, and the implementation of a single global transit document show a positive effect on digitization.
