Czechia's 2023 gas consumption show 29-year low


Czech consumers in 2023 used the least amount of natural gas for the last 29 years, since 1994, ČTK news said, Report informs via TASS.


In 2023, annual gas consumption in the Czech Republic decreased by 7% to 7.1 billion cubic meters. The country's power plants using gas as raw material produced significantly less electricity than in 2022. A decrease in gas consumption by households and enterprises has been recorded.


Currently, the Czech Republic does not lack gas as the country's storage facilities are full. In this regard, last year the country imported less of this raw material than in 2022. Gas transit through Czech territory, according to the agency, has decreased sixfold over the past two years.


The Czech Republic now receives gas mostly from Norway and through offshore LNG terminals in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Since October, the republic has been receiving Russian gas purchased from the Slovak and Austrian markets. Its share in total consumption last year, as the agency noted, was approximately 7%.
