The amount of this money given to the military in Azerbaijan has been increased


The food allowance of military personnel in Azerbaijan will be increased by 210-220 manats. informs with reference to the report that the head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Defense, Elchin Aliyev, said this at today's meeting of the Labor and Social Policy Committee of the Milli Majlis on the approval of the Regulations "On the Status of Military Servicemen", "On Military Service Transition", "Labor "On pensions" and "On military duty and military service" during the first reading of the draft amendments to the laws.

According to him, the Ministry of Finance is currently working on this issue: "We also want the money given to increase soon. This issue will definitely be resolved."

It should be noted that Rauf Aliyev, a member of the Labor and Social Policy Committee of the Milli Majlis, suggested in the discussions that the food money given to the soldiers should be increased by 62 manats: "I think that this can contribute to the strengthening of their social protection to some extent."


