Azercosmos to attend Space Technology Conference


The Space Agency of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos) will represent the country at the International Space Technology Conference (STC) to be held by TUA in Ankara, Türkiye on April 24-26, 2024.


According to the official website of the Space Technology Conference, STC has quickly established itself as the annual meeting place for the decision makers in Central Eurasia’s space industry where commercial organisations from all over the world can meet with regional government organisations to discuss the space industry’s development, do business and establish long term partnerships. STC 2023 attracted 49 speakers, 21 sponsors and 303 delegates from 28 countries.


“As the highly anticipated STC 2024 conference draws near, we're excited to unveil exclusive insights into one of our official event supporters, Azercosmos, and their plans for the future development of the national space sector of Azerbaijan. Azercosmos, through its National Strategy on Space Activities, has outlined their strategic priorities for the Azerbaijani space sector over the next two years. The comprehensive strategy encompasses a substantial investment of over 300 million USD into the space domain and eco-system within the next four years and includes key initiatives such as:


· the development of the space eco-system,


· new satellite projects,


· establishment of a cutting-edge data centre specialising in innovative solutions,


· the creation of a satellite design, assemble and integration centre,


· fostering extensive international cooperation.”


The Kazakhstan Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, the Kyrgyzystan Ministry of Digital Development, and the National Communications Agency of Turkmenistan will also join the conference.