Air temperature exceeds climate norm by 3 degrees Celcius in Azerbaijan


The air temperature exceeds the climate norm by 3 degrees Celcius in Azerbaijan, the head of the National Hydrometeorological Service Nazim Mahmudov said, Report informs.

According to him, the air temperature has risen to 13 degrees Celsius on the Absheron Peninsula and in some other regions.

Mahmudov noted that the highest temperature in early March over the past 10 years was recorded last year, when the temperature exceeded the climate norm by 7 degrees.

"Today there will be mostly no precipitation in most regions; short-term precipitation is expected in some mountainous areas during the day. Fog will be observed in some areas of the country at night and in the morning. The maximum air temperature will be 15 degrees Celsius in lowland areas, from 1 degree below zero up to 4 degrees Celsius in mountainous areas. A moderate northeast wind is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, the maximum air temperature will be 13 degrees Celsius,” Mahmudov said.
