Italy's first online psycho-oncology platform offers remote support to cancer patients



Over 50% of cancer patients in Italy develop significant emotional distress affecting treatment and survival.

Italy launched "In Buona Salute," the first online psycho-oncology platform in the country, offering qualified remote assistance to patients, caregivers, and healthcare operators. The platform aims to address the need for psycho-oncology support by compensating for the lack of psycho-oncologists in many Breast Units across Italy. The presentation took place at the University of Milan and was attended by prominent figures in the field.

"Unfortunately, although the role of the psycho-oncologist is provided within the Breast Units, they are not always present. This means that some patients cannot access this fundamental support for the quality of care," said Professor Lucia Del Mastro, professor and director of the Medical Oncology Clinic at IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, University of Genoa, as reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano. She emphasized the importance of psycho-oncological support, noting that "psychological distress can also act biologically, creating a situation of inflammation that can negatively influence the course of the tumor."

According to a survey conducted by Europa Donna Italia, psycho-oncologists are present in only 34% of Breast Units. "Last year, we conducted research at Breast Units in Italy, where, according to international guidelines, there should be a permanent psycho-oncologist," said Rosanna D'Antona, president of Europa Donna Italia. "From our survey of the main Italian regions, we found that psycho-oncologists are present in only 34% of cases."

The platform In Buona Salute seeks to mitigate this shortage by providing accessible psycho-oncological support. "The In Buona Salute platform can compensate for the deficiencies of psycho-oncologists and can be a formidable help to meet the needs of most of our cancer patients," said Del Mastro. She added that the platform offers an innovative solution to a concrete problem.

Psychological distress is a common issue among cancer patients and can affect treatment outcomes. "Data from the Stress Lung study on over 200 patients with advanced lung cancer undergoing immunotherapy suggest that psychological distress affects survival and can significantly reduce adherence to treatments."

The importance of psycho-oncological support is further underscored by recent research. "From the latest research published also in Nature Medicine, it emerges that if people are supported to treat their depression, their anguish, their anxiety, they have better results for the entire duration of the therapies," explained Professor Gabriella Pravettoni, scientific director of In Buona Salute and director of the Psycho-Oncology Division at the European Institute of Oncology, as reported by La Stampa.

Pravettoni emphasized the need to adapt psycho-oncological support to patient needs. "Supporting the psychological needs and the psychological well-being of people becomes a priority. We must therefore aim to 'broaden' people's lives in their quality of life and not just to lengthen it. This is what psycho-oncology can do, but there are few centers," she stated. 

The platform In Buona Salute offers patients the possibility of accessing psycho-oncology support, especially for those unable to travel long distances for in-person interviews. After completing a questionnaire, the platform suggests the specialist most aligned with each individual's needs and also provides resources and information. "Patients must be better informed about the opportunity to benefit from these services. That's why projects like In Buona Salute are important," added Del Mastro, as reported by La Stampa.

"Too often, the psychological aspects of a cancer diagnosis are left in the background compared to strictly clinical needs," noted Pravettoni. "There are difficulties for doctors in discussing these topics during the visit, also due to lack of time, and the reluctance of patients to confide them, sometimes due to the stigma still associated with mental health problems," she added.

"While we are committed to ensuring that these limits are overcome and that European guidelines are respected, which provide for the presence of the psycho-oncologist in all Breast Units, we welcome the availability of an online platform with specialized figures, to whom patients and families can turn with the certainty of finding qualified support," concluded D'Antona.

Ensuring psycho-oncological support is a matter of resources but also of culture. "It is necessary to first recognize the role of the psycho-oncologist within the multidisciplinary team," emphasized Pravettoni. The platform In Buona Salute is seen as a pivotal tool in bridging the gap in support services, offering a means to "broaden" patients' lives through improved quality of life.
