UNEC included in same group as world universities in international ranking


UNEC, which significantly improved its position in the ranking published by QS (Quacquarelli Symonds), an international analytical agency in the field of higher education, in April 2024, has been included in the same group as world universities and ranked first among other universities.

UNEC, ranked 351-400 in the field of "Economics and Econometrics", joins the same group as Aston University of Great Britain, Sabancı University of Türkiye, Shanghai University of China, University of Basel of Switzerland, Qatar University, University of Iowa of the United States, University of Kentucky, University of South Carolina, Florida State University, Georgia State University, and Syracuse University.

In this ranking, UNEC outperformed Louisiana State University, University of California Riverside, Washington State University, University of Leicester in Great Britain (401-450), Istanbul University in Türkiye (451-500), Hacettepe University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States, and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (501-550).
