Greek islands launch special visa program for Turkish visitors


Officials on the Greek island of Rhodes opened a new vacation visa terminal for Turkish visitors Monday as part of a diplomatic effort to ease long-standing tensions between the two countries, Report informs, citing AP.

The limited-access visa will allow Turks to visit 10 Greek islands for up to a week without having to apply for full access to the European Union’s passport-free travel zone, known as the Schengen area.

NATO members Greece and Turkey launched several initiatives last year to try and sidestep decades-old disputes—mostly over sea boundaries and mineral rights in the Aegean Sea— to focus on trade.

Granted at participating Greek ports, the new visa will cost 60 euros and will include a passport check and fingerprint recording, while visitors will not be allowed to travel onto other EU member states, Greek officials said.

The islands in the vacation visa program all lie near the Turkish coastline and also include Lesbos, Limnos, Chios, Samos, Leros, Kalymnos, Kos, Symi, and Kastellorizo, with the smaller islands due to join in June.
