Putin threatens West: If F-16s activated, airfields of third countries to be legitimate target


US F-16 fighter jets supplied to Ukraine will be a legitimate target for Russia if they are used against Russian troops from airfields in third countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, Report informs with the reference to TASS.

"Naturally, if they are used from the airfields of third countries, they will be a legitimate target for us, no matter where they might be," Putin said at a meeting with military pilots in the Tver Region.

"F-16 jets can carry nuclear weapons. And we must take this into account while planning [combat operations]," Putin said.

The president also noted that the potential supply of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine will not change the situation on the battlefield, since Russia will destroy them as it is doing with Western tanks and other vehicles.

"If they supply F-16 jets, they say that pilots are being trained, it will not change the situation on the battlefield. And we will destroy warplanes as we are destroying tanks, armored vehicles, and other weapons, including multiple launch missile systems," he added.
