Kenyan expert: Exploitation of Amuldagh gold deposit is causing serious environmental damage to Caspian countries


“I am a member of action for global health climate change working group. I share the deep concerns of civil societies working in Azerbaijan. Amuldagh deposit is located 13 km away from Istisu - a deposit of natural mineral water. Exploitation of the deposit is causing destructive damage to the mineral springs of Istisu,” said head of the Good Health Community Programmes operating in Kenya Kristine Yakhama.


“The deposit is located in the area between Arpachay and Bazarchay rivers that flow through Azerbaijan and into the Araz River. The use of toxic substances, which are being banned for a long time and are highly dangerous for the environment in the exploitation of the Amuldagh field, is destroying nature and leading to acidification of river waters and water poisoning. In addition to the fact that goldmining pollutes the waters of this river, it also hurt the eco-system of Lake Goycha located near this area,” the Kenyan expert noted.


“At the same time, this industry is causing a serious threat to Caspian Sea basin. Flowing through the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan, the Arpachay river and Bazarchay river flow into the Caspian Sea. Thus, the exploitation of the field is causing serious environmental damage not only to Iran and other Caspian countries. Illegal mining industries in Armenia is degrading Caucasus mountains for several years. Wildlife in the mountains is threatened and has become extinct. People of the region are becoming sick. Women are the ones who are being exposed to silicosis. It is affecting their health and when they give birth, they give birth to children with defects,” she added.
