Pakistani expert: PACE didn’t show effectiveness in resolving any conflict


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has not had a constructive and positive impact on the resolution of any regional conflict, including Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Georgia) and even the ongoing war in Ukraine, Pakistani expert, executive director of the Center for South Asia and International Studies (CSAIS) Mehmood-Ul-Hassan told Report.

The expert noted that PACE remained a total failure to convince the conflicting parties to restrain from any military misadventure in the past and even its role in the political resolution of Karabakh was miserable.

“Unfortunately, most rulings and resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe purposefully tiled toward Armenian, thus projecting the real aggressor as innocent, politically victimized, economically marginalized, socially discriminated.

Germany and France, the two biggest countries and economies of the European Union, specifically target the Republic of Azerbaijan which badly hurt the general public sentiments of its people. With the military aid and increasing socio-economic integration and diplomatic support of these countries, Armenia has remained free from any sanction from the Council of Europe on the serious and sensitive issues of violation of human rights, discrimination and genocide against the peaceful citizens of Azerbaijan in Karabakh and its adjacent areas,” he noted.

Azerbaijan successfully mitigated all false and fake propaganda and political/diplomatic statements of this organization through rigorous counter diplomatic efforts and economic/commercial diplomacy in the past, he added.

“Despite harsh, unrealistic and indecent conduct of this organization, Azerbaijan should not leave this platform as grand strategy of multiculturalism, economic ties and political cooperation with the rest of the Europe. Europe has distinctive different voices, which should be tapped to achieve and project the soft image projection of Azerbaijan,” he said.
