Turkish intelligence chief, high-level Iraqi officials discuss fight against terrorism


The head of Türkiye’s national intelligence and high-level Iraqi officials on Tuesday discussed the joint fight against terrorism in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, according to Anadolu Agency.


National Intelligence Organization (MIT) chief Ibrahim Kalin met with Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, said security sources.


During the meeting, the two sides discussed various issues such as counter-terrorism efforts, the threat of the PKK terrorist group, potential joint actions against the PKK, security cooperation, as well as the continuation of collaboration in the fight against the Daesh/ISIS terror group, said the sources on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.


In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, UK, and EU — has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is PKK's Syrian branch.


The meetings also addressed the Türkiye-Iraq Development Road Project as an area of security and economic cooperation.


With its 1,200-kilometer (745-mile) railway and road network, the Türkiye-Iraq Development Road Project is expected to connect Iraq’s planned Grand Al-Faw Port in the Gulf to Türkiye.


The estimated cost of the project is $17 billion, with completion of the first phase scheduled for 2028.


The project is planned to be completed in three stages – 2028, 2033, and 2050 – and to open up Iraq to the world through Türkiye.


The two sides also discussed the Gaza conflict and implications for Iraq and neighboring countries of the ongoing war.


Israel has pounded the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Oct. 7, killing at least 25,490 Palestinians and injuring 63,354. Nearly 1,200 Israelis are believed to have been killed in the Hamas attack.


During his visit to Iraq, Kalin also held discussions with representatives of Shia and Sunni groups, as well as representatives of Turkmen community.
