Ukrainian government thinks draft law on mobilization isn’t in line with international standards



Ukrainian government thinks draft law on mobilization isn’t in line with international standards

Ukrainian government thinks draft law on mobilization isn’t in line with international standards

The draft law on mobilization submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada was considered by the National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Committee of the parliament. It was determined that some provisions of the draft law do not comply with the norms of the Ukrainian Constitution and international standards related to human rights, Special Representative of the President of Ukraine, Chairman of the State Security and Defense Sub-Committee of the National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Fyodor Venislavsky, told Report.


Yesterday, Defense Minister of Ukraine Rustem Umerov said that the new draft law is ready. He noted that one of the main issues is the provision of social justice: "A large number of Ukrainian citizens with military obligations have left Ukraine. They must also register for military service at the consulate. This is already provided in the existing legislation."


Umerov said that they should update their information: "In the future, we will also make decisions according to the existing legislation. Of course, it will not be easy to ensure the return of all Ukrainian citizens who have reached the age of conscription from abroad. But despite this, we are trying to ensure that these citizens fulfill their obligation to defend their homeland."
