Emergency warning issued in Russia's Sakhalin due to snowstorm


Rescuers announced an emergency warning for January 12 in eight districts of southern Sakhalin due to predicted bad weather, the Main Directorate of the Emergency Situations Ministry of Russia for the Sakhalin Region said, Report informs via TASS.

“An emergency warning and recommendations for response were sent to municipal administrations and related structures. The forces and means intended to eliminate the possible consequences of dangerous meteorological phenomena are ready to respond,” said the directorate.

According to local weather forecasters, heavy snow is expected in the morning and afternoon of January 12, in the Makarovsky, Dolinsky, Anivsky, Korsakovsky, Nevelsky, Kholmsky, Tomarinsky districts and the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Blizzards are possible in some places, visibility will be 500 meters or less with wind gusts reaching 15-20 m/s. Now the weather in the Sakhalin region is calm, mostly without precipitation and wind. The air temperature in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is -11 degrees.
