FT: Mario Draghi may replace Charles Michel as European Council president


Charles Michel’s plan to resign early from his post as European Council president has jump-started negotiations over EU top jobs, with former Italian prime minister Mario Draghi tipped by some as a leading contender.


Report informs via The Financial Times that Draghi, 76, is the former European Central Bank president credited with saving the bloc’s single currency and a potential option to succeed Michel.


Other possible candidates are also likely to emerge for the role of European Council president, which involves chairing and setting the agenda for summits of EU leaders.


It is difficult to predict the sequence of deals to fill the EU’s top jobs, which also depend on the outcome of EU-wide elections, the people said. A source close to Draghi said he was not seeking any of the bloc’s leading roles.


But the speculation over Draghi’s prospects, based on his record, experience and stature as one of the EU’s most prominent figures, underscores the desire in many capitals to finalise a successor well before Michel’s likely departure in mid-July.
