Mombasa residents raise alarm as ship undergoing repairs explodes


Mombasa residents experienced tremors on Tuesday following an explosion of a ship docked near the African Marine Terminal in Liwatoni, Likoni, Mombasa County, according to

Reports indicate that the oil tanker was undergoing repairs when the explosion occurred.

The loud explosion reportedly caused buildings in Mombasa Town to tremble. This prompted residents and business owners in the bustling city to record videos and document what had happened on social media platforms.

The vessel which has since been identified as the East Wind II was partly damaged since parts of the vessel were affected by the explosion.

Through a statement issued shortly afterwards, the Petroleum Outlets Association of Kenya (POAK) confirmed that the fire had been contained.

Police reports also indicated that investigations into the cause explosion had began.

By the time of publishing this article, the number of casualties was yet to be known.

The Coastal town of Mombasa experiences a number of tragedies from time time owing to its close proximity to the ocean.

In 2021, two passengers aboard a bus that slid off the ferry MV Jambo escaped death by a whisker while in 2019, a woman and her daughter passed away after their vehicle plunged into the ocean after sliding off the ferry.

Elsewhere, 3 out of the 4 fishermen who went missing in Malindi in November were reported alive on December 25 aboard a foreign fishing vessel.

Unfortunately, one of the fishermen lost their life.

The Kenya Coast Guard Service disclosed in a statement that the individuals had gone missing when their boat, Jodari, capsized in deep seas on November 30. The 3 fishermen were subsequently rescued by the foreign vessel.
