Blast near Israel embassy in Delhi, 2 suspects caught on CCTV


A blast occurred close to the Israel embassy in New Delhi on Monday, following which security has been beefed up in the area. The embassy has confirmed the incident, and no casualties or injuries have been reported.

Report informs foreign media that sources said two suspects were caught on CCTV near the blast site and efforts are underway to track their movements and apprehend them. Delhi Police is also analysing footage from nearby cameras to reconstruct the suspects' route to the embassy and uncover their potential accomplices.

A typed letter addressed to the Ambassador of the Israeli embassy, wrapped in an Israeli flag, was found near the blast site, sources told India Today TV. The letter, written in English, talks about Israel's actions in Gaza and mentions 'revenge', sources said, adding that a group identifying itself as "Sir Allah Resistance" claimed responsibility for the blast.

The area was briefly cordoned off following the blast and was reopened later. A team of the elite National Security Guard (NSG) arrived at the scene on Wednesday morning to investigate. The Delhi Police is also conducting a probe into the blast.
