NATO military exercises begin in Hungary


The Hungarian armed forces have begun their largest exercises in recent years, prompted by the conflict in neighboring Ukraine, Hungarian Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said, XQ informs referring to TASS.

Military personnel from other NATO countries take part in them.

Szalay-Bobrovniczky noted that during the exercises, which will take place in several regions of Hungary, the combat readiness of army units will be tested and “interaction between the defense forces and the civil administration” will be worked out. The exercise, called Adaptive Hussars - 23, will last until November 26.

"We live in an era of dangers: war, illegal migration, and with them the threat of terrorism are plaguing Europe. For the Hungarian government, the most important thing is the preservation of peace, the security of Hungary and the Hungarian people, which can be guaranteed by a well-trained army," the minister said.
