Editor-in-chief of "Khalq newspaper": Laws related to consanguineous marriages should be tightened


The issue of consanguineous marriage is a serious matter and should be discussed in full openness. The issue of marriage of close relatives is related to various factors. Ignorance and illiteracy have their share here.

These thoughts were expressed by Aflatun Amashov, editor-in-chief of "Khalq newspaper" during a public discussion on consanguineous marriages at the Social Research Center.

A. Amashov stated that we should think and act in the direction of eliminating the problem: "Education should be carried out seriously and extensively. The consequences of consanguineous marriages should be brought to people's attention. In this direction, the heavy part of the work falls on the journalists. State institutions should also work with the media."

The editor-in-chief suggested that laws in this direction should be tightened.




Social life