Azerbaijan attends Internet Governance Forum in Japan


An Azerbaijani delegation led by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport Bakhtiyar Mammadov participated in the 18th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Kyoto, Japan.


The event brought together about 9,000 participants from 178 countries.


Addressing the event, Bakhtiyar Mammadov highlighted the work done in the country to manage the Internet and the opportunities for cooperation.


During the meeting with Vinton Cerf, one of the founders of the Internet, the sides exchanged views on development of information technologies in Azerbaijan.


Following the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) session, Mammadov also met with Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Doreen Bogdan-Martin.


The Internet Governance Forum, convened by the United Nations Secretary-General and hosted this year by the Government of Japan, is the global multistakeholder forum concerned with the Internet and the rapid transformation of society that results from digital development. Each year, the IGF annual meeting brings together stakeholders from around the world to discuss the most pressing Internet governance trends and challenges.

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