Engineer in Shusha killed by shrapnel from Armenian shell


The Azerbaijan State News Agency


Engineer in Shusha killed by shrapnel from Armenian shell

19.09.2023 [18:11]

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Engineer in Shusha killed by shrapnel from Armenian shell

Baku, September 19, AZERTAC


Farhadov Vidadi Aydın oglu, born in 1967, has been killed in Shusha as a result of the terrorist attack by the illegal Armenian armed forces in the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan. Farhadov Vidadi who worked as a housing-utility and repair service engineer at the Shusha State Reserve Department died of shrapnel wound after being targeted by large-caliber weapons, including mortars.


The General Prosecutor's Office has launched criminal proceedings into the killing of the civilian.


Under the current circumstances, the prosecutor's office is continuing an investigation into the case.



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