Mine victims and Azerbaijani civil society representatives jointly appeal to United Nations



Mine victims and Azerbaijani civil society representatives jointly appeal to United Nations


Mine victims and Azerbaijani civil society representatives jointly appeal to United Nations

Baku, September 19, AZERTAC


Mine victims, their families and Azerbaijani civil society representatives have issued a joint appeal to the United Nations.


AZERTAC presents the appeal:


“We – the victims of the mine terror of the puppet military junta regime of the remnants of Armenia and its military units that still exist in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, their family members, relatives, as well as civil society organizations operating in this area, appeal to UN Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres, President of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the UN Human Rights Council, Mr. Václav Bálek, and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Volker Türk.


Since 1991, Armenia have planted more than 1 million landmines in the territory of Azerbaijan. The number of these mines surpass the number of people displaced from the conflict area.


As a result of demining activities in the liberated territories, about 95 thousand mines and other explosive devices have been detected and neutralized. This means that more than 100,000 people have been saved from death. The state of Azerbaijan is clearing mines planted by Armenia day and night.


Azerbaijan is among the countries most heavily infested with the largest number of mine accidents. As a result of Armenia's mine war against the Azerbaijani people, 3,393 people have fallen victims to landmines. Of those, 357 are children, 38 are women.


Over the past 3 years since the November 10, 2020 Statement, Armenia has not stopped mine terrorism for a single day. First, the Armenian authorities denied the existence of "mine maps", then they allegedly presented some "mine maps" at the request of Azerbaijan, which then turned out that they were false, "fake maps" and did not reflect the reality.


From November 10, 2020 until September 19, 2023, 314 Azerbaijani citizens became victims of mine explosions in the territory of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. Of those, 61 were killed and 253 were wounded. Among the mine victims 149 are civilians and 165 are military personnel.


The military junta regime in Karabakh and its subversive groups are still planting mines in the territories of Azerbaijan under the instructions of Armenia. 6 people have already become victims of this mine terror in the last 24 hours.


It is terrible that in the 21st century, the Azerbaijani people is becoming victims of mines in their native lands.


We ask you, Mr. Antonio Guterres, Mr. Dennis Francis, Mr. Václav Bálek, Mr. Volker Türk - what are these sacrifices for? Why does the UN not act to stop this terrorist activity of Armenia?


How long will the puppet military junta regime, "gray zones" exist in the territory of Azerbaijan? This regime must be abolished and disarmed.


International organizations often highlight the importance of ensuring the passage on the Lachin road for Armenians. Why don't they talk about how many newly manufactured mines have been transferred from that road for planting them on the territories of Azerbaijan after 2020? How were the mines produced in 2021 transferred into the territories of Azerbaijan? Why are these points are not called into question? Only in April 2023, these cases began to be prevented by the establishment of Lachin post.


We all know very well what these mines are for. It aims to prevent the return of the displaced people, to scare them, to hamper the large-scale construction works launched in Karabakh and Easten Zangezur.


Every landmine victim's family faces a tragedy. This is a very serious pain, an incurable wound. We are the ones who carry these wounds.


We demand the UN, other international organizations, and world countries to give an assessment to these actions of Armenia. We want to live in peace and tranquility. We want a world without mines!


We appeal to all the progressive people around the world: Raise your voice in protest against the intensifying mine war and terrorist activities of Armenia against Azerbaijan!




1. Gasimov Ray - Chairman of Azerbaijan Mine Victims Association


2. Safikhanov Hafiz – Chairman of the Azerbaijan Campaign to Ban Landmines Public Union;


3. Mirzayev Umud – President of International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF);


4. Mammadov Zabil Alastan - Mine victim;


5. Mammadzada Vidadi Vali - Mine victim;


6. Zeynalov Telman Babir - Mine victim;


7. Ahmadov Alasgar Aziz - Family member of Ahmadov Yasin Alasgar who died as a result of a mine explosion


8. Ahmadov Asif Alasgar - Mine victim;


9. Khudiyev Asaf Mursal - Mine victim;


10. Babayev Ramil Nazim - Mine victim;


11. Yagubov Elshan Yagub - Family member of Yagubov Fakhraddin Yagub who died as a result of a mine explosion


12. Gahramanov Mahammad Khalil - Family member of Gahramanov Uzeyir Khalil who died as a result of a mine explosion;


13. Hajiyeva Shabnam Shakir - Family member of Hajiyev Shakir Maharram who died as a result of a mine explosion;


14. Gadimzada Tural Firuddin - Family member of Hajiyev Firuddin Maharram who died as a result of a mine explosion;


15. Huseynov Adishirin Zulfugar - Family member of Huseynov Zulfugar Adishirin who died as a result of a mine explosion;


16. Safarov Samir Maharram - Family member of Adilzade Zibeyda Shakir who died as a result of a mine explosion;


17. Ahmadov Toghrul Vilayat– mine victim;


18. Ahmadov Orkhan Kamil – mine victim;


19. Babayev Fadakar Gabil - Family member of Babayev Zabil Gabil


who died as a result of a mine explosion;


20. Alakbarov Elgun Mahmud - mine victim;


21. Mirzayev Elmaddin Tofig - mine victim;


22. Imanov Azad Telman - Family member of Imanov Bahruz Telman who died as a result of a mine explosion


23. Mukhtarov Azad Aydin - mine victim;


24. Guliyev Shahin Allahverdi - Family member of Guliyev Mehman Allahverdi who died as a result of a mine explosion;


25. Alasgarov Shaig Mustagim - Family member of Alasgarov Mustagim Allahveran who died as a result of a mine explosion;


26. Verdiyev Niyamaddin Hikmat - mine victim;


27. Azimzade Hafiz Salim - mine victim;


28. Huseynov Akif Mukhtar– Father of Huseynov Bayram and Huseynov Razi who died as a result of a mine explosion, and Huseynov Anar who was injured;


29. Mammadov Emin Hasan - mine victim;


30. Guliyev Arif Sabir - mine victim;


31. Samadov Shirzad Abish - Family member of Abishov Sirac Abish who died as a result of a mine explosion;


32. İbrahimov Asgar Ali - Family member of İbrahimov Maharram Ali who died as a result of a mine explosion;


33. Aslanov Khanlar Fazil - mine victim;


34. Hamidov Faig Sovet - Family member of Hamidov Elsavar Sovet who died as a result of a mine explosion;


35. Abilov Mahir Ramiz - mine victim;


36. Gandiyev Firuddin İsmayil - Family member of Gandiyev Vusal Firuddin who died as a result of a mine explosion;


37. Valiyev Ruhin Sultan - mine victim;


38. Jabbarov Nijat Novruz - mine victim;


39. Panahov Rodik Shamsaddin - mine victim;


40. Aliyarov Sadir Heydar - mine victim;


41. Asgarov Elnur Asif - mine victim;


42. Alishov Nasib Oktay - Family member of Alishov Oktay Bayram who died as a result of a mine explosion;


43. Mahmudov Shahriyar Mahmud - Family member of Mahmudov Bakhtiyar Mahmud who died as a result of a mine explosion.

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