Former co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group: I am pleased to see there has been good progress on number of issues regarding peace


"I think it is important to reach peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia," James Warlick, former OSCE Minsk Group co-chair, told AZERTAC.

"I know that is very difficult. And there are some obstacles in that. I believe it is possible as a first step to have framework agreement. There are some issues, constitutional issues that concern Azerbaijan, of course issues that are great concern for Armenia. That shouldn’t stand in the way of at least frameworks being putting in place. And there are a lot of details that can be worked out. I am pleased to see there has been good progress on number of issues such as demarcation and communications. I do think that there is an opportunity to make progress on some more difficult issues including zangazur corridor for Azerbaijan. It's important for the sides to be committed to each other not to make this a make-or-break on any one issue and to find a way to move forward, especially with Azerbaijan moving into a period where it takes a real leadership role on the international stage," he underlined.

"There are a lot of opportunities for american companies in Azerbaijan. We have seen that for a number of years. Because US-Azerbaijani relations has been close and cordial. We have worked on so many issues together. Now there are openings in Karabakh and I belive that US companies should explore this," he added.

Malahat Najafova
Special corresondent
