Azerbaijan, Montenegro hold political consultations


Another round of political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Montenegro was held on Tuesday in the city of Podgorica.

The Azerbaijani delegation was led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Fariz Rzayev, and the Montenegrin delegation by Milisav Raspopović, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The sides discussed the current state of and prospects for bilateral cooperation with respect to political, economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as strategic energy and transport projects implemented by Azerbaijan.

They also exchanged views on collaboration within international organizations. In this regard, the Montenegrin minister was informed about the preparations for the upcoming 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) scheduled to take place in Azerbaijan this year.

Deputy Minister Fariz Rzayev briefed the Montenegrin side on the current situation in the region in the post-conflict period, including Azerbaijan’s efforts undertaken towards the establishment of sustainable peace in the region, addressing the mine problem in liberated territories, as well as ongoing large-scale restoration and reconstruction projects.

During the political consultations, the parties discussed international, regional issues, as well as other matters of mutual interest.

As part of the trip, the Azerbaijani deputy minister also held meetings with other Montenegrin officials.
