Stefan Antic: Dialogue with neighbors and regional cooperation to bring more dividends to Armenia


The collective desire of Western countries to participate in the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan could increase regional instability, having a detrimental impact on Azerbaijan and neighboring states, political scientist from Serbia Stefan Antic told Report.


According to him, this is due to the fact that countries such as the United States, France, and Greece are pursuing their own interests in the region.


"Foreign mediators or third parties involved in peace negotiations often put their own interests above the interests of those they want to help reach an agreement. Azerbaijan already has 'rich experience' in this matter," he said.


Antic stressed that, given growing geopolitical tensions and the ongoing struggle to maintain its dominance in various parts of the world, he doubts the West's ability or willingness to act as a useful partner for Armenia.


"Armenia's vulnerability to defeat makes it susceptible to exploitation by Western powers. And the exclusion of Azerbaijani representatives from the upcoming US-Armenian 'consultations' in April raises concerns about Armenia's deepening dependence on the West, which threatens the South Caucasus to move into a region of multi-level geopolitical rivalry," he emphasized.


In conclusion, the political scientist noted that while official Yerevan may believe that "replacing one dependency with another" can bring more security to Armenia, dialogue with neighbors and regional cooperation promises to bring much more significant results.
